Friday, January 16, 2009

...Baby One More Time

First off, no, that's not me. Secondly, yes, it's applicable! Me and B-D are expecting our second baby in August 2009. To save you the rough work in your head, I'm 9 weeks along. If you know me well, you know that we have had much difficulties with past pregnancies (R.I.P. always, Harrison), but have also been enormously blessed with BB1. I'm ready and willing to share our news, even at this early stage.
We went to our first ultrasound today, and all went as well as possible. The techie took the measurements, showed us the heart, the top of Baby, the bottom and then sent us on our way. This time 'round, I've been nauseous 24 hours each day, and exhausted. Very different from the other pregnancies, but I'm honestly not complaining...well, not too much anyway. 
We're just thrilled at the prospect that our babies will be 22 months apart. I don't know any siblings that close in age who do not have close relationships as well. We will find out the baby's gender as soon as it's visible on a future ultasound...I'm far too practical to not find out. Some people think that it's spoiling a suprise - perhaps one of the few surprises that we have in this lifetime. To that, I say hogwash. It's a surprise whether you find out at 14 weeks or 40 weeks. Completely individual decision, right? 
As I mentioned, this pregnancy has been completely different than the previous 6...I will keep you posted along the way. My goal for this pregnancy (besides producing a healthy, happy baby, of course)? To not gain 50 pounds. I think that was one of the most shocking things when BB1 was born. I couldn't believe he only weighed 5 lb. 15 oz...After gaining the weight I did, I was expecting double that. 
I'm not alone with being pregnant, either. To date, my step-sister, my old roommate, 2 co-workers, and 2 friends of family are currently expecting. I actually read a headline from USA Today indicating that in 2007, there was a huge baby boom. Well, to be accurate, they called it a 'boomlet' because the last baby boom ended in the 60s. Kind of interesting.
As a side amazing are all the movies in release right now?? I am dying to see them all. "Slumdog Millionaire"...go see it. Actually, read the book first. "Q&A" by Vikas Swarup. It's raw, heartbreaking, and hilarious. I also read the short story "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It's a good story...only 20 pages, so I'm not sure why the film's running time is 2 hours 47 minutes...hopefully it doesn't drag. I also read "Twighlight" over Christmas. Wow! I would have looooooved it as a young teen. I definitely want to check out the movie. Finally, you know how much I adore Mr. DiCaprio (I did almost buy a Geo Metro, you know...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...oh God, did I really just pull up the Geonardo DiMetrio joke from high school?!?!), and so Revolutionary Road is top of the list for me right now.
Well, thanks for stopping by, it was great writing to you:) Hugs and kisses...

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