Sunday, September 14, 2008

Name that topic!

After realizing (no, the "z" is not an error) that more than one week has passed since my last post, I desperately want to blog something. Unfortunately, my creative juices are following the Book of Genesis today ("...and on the 7th day, He rested"). So, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to turn on the t.v., and whatever is on, I'll blog about. Here goes...

"Ireland has more drunks per capita than people." - Peter Griffin to his dog, Brian, prior to landing in Ireland.

Family Guy was on. I'm not going to write about the show. My personal opinion is that it's pure genius, in case you cared. I'll write about Ireland. Might be a short blog considering I've never been overseas.

To start, let me share some interesting facts with you about the 'Emerald Isle'.

1. There are no snakes in Ireland. My mom would LOVE it there!! I'm not a fan of snakes. I just found out this week that we have a family of snakes living underneath out front porch. My Baby Daddy ran over one the other day (unintentionally)with the lawnmower, but it got away. Great. Now I'm having visions of a severely scarred snake getting his/her vengeance on us. "Snakes on a Plane Part II: Dartmouth Destruction."

2. Today’s population is about 4M, considerably less than the 7–8M estimated in the 1830’s. This is a rough estimate, but holy cow! Apparently the huge decrease is due to the Potato Famine of the 1840s, as well as the approximately 2 million people who emigrated from Ireland in the 1930s. Fair enough. When I visited New York City several years ago, I felt the Irish influence on the city. Plus, St. Patrick's Day is a monumental event in North America. Irish descendants actually book this day off work and get totally polluted. I'm part Scottish and part Hungarian, and I've even done it. Such a fun day! Speaking of emigration, isn't EVERYONE in North America (except for the Native Aboriginals) an immigrant? Thought so.

3. Ireland is not a member of NATO. Wow. That's interesting. Here's another random fact (not related to Ireland): Five thousandths of a mm is the tolerance of accuracy for LEGO moulds. You know you're going to use that one in your next ice-breaker situation. That's cool.

What I love about Ireland: U2, Colin Farrell, Guinness and Boddington's beer, and The Cranberries.

So, there you have it. My random blog on a surprise topic. Hope you enjoyed it.


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