Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's Not Me, It's You.

Ah, yes. The line I would have loved to have used on a few choice occasions over the course of my 33 years. Lily Allen has titled her sophomore album by that same phrase. If you're at all familiar with her debut, "Alright, Still", you already know how fitting this new title really is. In listening to the tracks, it's glaringly apparent that she has maintained her reign as 'funniest Brit pop star." The 3rd track, "Not Fair", is excellent. In a nutshell, it's a 'Dear John' to her boyfriend who measures up in every way...except for one. Ladies, we've all had one of those types in our  past - I defy you to listen to the track and not laugh your asses off. "F**k You" is a another goodbye letter...this time to G-Dubya. Love it. Give the album a listen - you won't be disappointed.

In other news, Salma Hayek has been in the hot seat for breast feeding.  She was on a UN mission to Sierra Leone, and there was a malnourished baby boy whose mother could no longer produce milk. Miss Salma started breast feeding the baby without giving it a second thought. Good for her. Would I do it? No way. I breast fed BB1 until he was almost 11 months, which is too long according to some, and not long enough according to others. I could give a rat's ass about people's opinions on my breast feeding habits/choices for my son. Similarly, the fact that Salma Hayek is still feeding her 15-month-old little girl via breast is completely her business. The fact that she directly fed someone who was not her baby, to me, is just...gross, for lack of a better word. I realize I'm in the minority in feeling this way. According to, millions of women passionate about the cause shared their views, many saying that the were moved to tears by Hayek's generosity. In some cultures, cross-feeding is common. What confuses me is that breast feeding is not only just a mechanism of feeding your baby, but it's also a bonding time. If women were all meant to all breast feed, we'd all be lactating 24/7. I am aware that in Sierra Leone, you can't just pop over to the local grocery store to buy formula, so cross-feeding is probably more widely practiced there. I respect the unique culture and rituals of different countries around the the world, but that doesn't mean that it's something that I would personally do.

Only three weeks, 1 day and 11 .5 hours until the new U2 disc "No Line on the Horizon" drops. Get on your boots!

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