Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sugar and spice and everything nice...

It's now a mere 26 days until BK2's due date. Considering it's only friends (and a few select family members) who read 'My e-Soapbox', I feel that I can be open with you and trust that you'll allow BD and I to share our news of BK2's gender ourselves.
That being said, BB1 is going to have a BB2! The new little one is healthy, and an active little bugger. We're both over the moon and I certainly wouldn't change anything.
I've always dreamt of having 3 children. In fact, a psychic once told me that I would have two boys and one girl (she revealed this when I was pregnant with BB1). I'm getting older, and my body is physically drained from all the pregnancies (in the past 4 years I've been pregnant at least once each year). I really think that this may be it for us. A wise friend did share with me that making that decision at 36.5 weeks gestation probably isn't wise - thanks, Lisa! Anyhow, am I okay with only boys? With only two children? I've long had dreams in my mind of having a daughter. Of her and I being close, shopping together, and even the inevitable drifting apart phase during the teen years. Then there's the coming together afterwards, the close bond, the friendship...But wait. None of that is guaranteed. One tidbit of info consistent across the Mommy-board is that you will always have more in common with one child than another...that's natural. Just because you have a daughter, doesn't mean it's going to be sugar and spice and everything nice, right? And who's to say that a mother can't have that same bond, that same close relationship/friendship with her son(s)?
Additionally, say BD and I tried for a third for the sake of a potentially having a girl, what would happen if we had another boy? Keep trying again? I can say right now, from my heart, that if we were to try for a third, it's because we want another child, and we would be happy with whatever we were lucky enough to create together.

Here are two of my favourite quotes on sons:

"We've begun to raise daughters more like sons... but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters. " ~Gloria Steinem

"You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes." ~Walter M. Schirra, Sr.

In closing, I still can't stress enough how happy and blessed we feel/are. Two boys! It's going to be an adventure, a wild ride, and we truly feel our family is complete. Plus, I won't have to share my tiara ;)

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