Monday, September 19, 2011

Vision boards, the universe, and believing in yourself...

So, I have this idea. Well, truth be told, I've had this idea for a while now, but only recently put the wheels into motion. Three weeks, to be exact. The exciting thing is, that I am going to be pitching the idea to some of the folks that can make it happen this coming weekend! More on that later, though*.

I've never been one to formulate a "vision board". I've heard they're great, and can help you keep your eye on the prize. I admire those of you with the focus to create these little masterpieces...I frankly, just don't have the time. I also think my husband would tease me to no end for hanging one of them in our home. Anyhow, every day, I've been thinking about my idea, and how I can bring it forward, how I can make it happen. I guess I would classify it as an internal vision board. I ordered the initial supplies I needed (for which I am still waiting), and formulated a plan for when they arrived. A few days after that, I happened to read of an upcoming event where I would have that opportunity to pitch my idea to a panel! I'm not expecting anything to come of this, however, the experience in itself will be invaluable! This is the first step of what I would love to do for the rest of my professional life...kind of huge, right? I am brimming with excitement at the possibilities! Unfortunately, I can't divulge too much at this stage, but I will be sure to keep you posted.

What I really want to say, without sounding too colloquial, is stay true to your dreams...stay focused, do what you can to make them happen; the universe will work with you if it's meant to be (even if it takes 3, 4, 5, or 50 tries!).

*Later = much, much later

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I was paid forward!

I'd seen the movie, and during the Christmas season, I have paid for the person behind me in the Tim Horton's drive-thru. Today, however, I received the payment, and it was sublime! On its own merit, it was a beautiful thing, but considering I spent Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning in the hospital with BB2 (asthma attack), and was running on fumes, this was a marvellous thing!

Not that my faith in humanity needed restoration, but this was a reminder that the world is good. I fundamentally believe that the majority of the world's population are good citizens, but in this wild information age, it's the crazies and the idiots that seem to be front-page news. After all, who would bother to read a paper or tune into a news show that profiled good people doing good things? Everyone seems to be chasing their fifteen minutes of fame, but, consider this: who/what was the last person/thing that you learned of where all they'd done was something nice? I can only remember one. The elderly Nova Scotia couple (Allan & Violet Large) who won 11.3 million this past summer:

They took care of family first and then began delivering donations to the two pages worth of groups they had decided on, including the local fire department, churches, cemeteries, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, hospitals in Truro and Halifax, where Violet underwent her cancer treatment, and organizations that fight cancer, Alzheimer's and diabetes. The list goes on and on. They retained about 2% for a rainy day for themselves.

So inspiring, rare, and unfortunately, forgettable. So, I propose this: in honour of the Larges, and of the woman who paid for my Starbucks order this afternoon, let's each do the same over this long weekend. If you happen to be at a coffee shop, pay for the person behind you, and if you come face to face with them, simply smile, and say, "Enjoy!" I know I certainly did!