Friday, January 1, 2010

My Year in words...

I can't believe 2009 is already over. Actually, I can't believe that the first decade of the millennium is over. It seems like just yesterday I was in my early 20s, single, fresh out of university, and wondering where I'd be in 10 years' time. The interesting thing is that I'm exactly where I thought I'd be. I have my incredibly sexy, amazing, kind, respectful husband, and my beautiful boys. I have the two best friends anyone could ask for, a nice home, a job, and a loving extended family. Despite any hardships that have happened over the past decade, life is pretty effing good!

The arrival of BB2 was by far THE moment of 2009 for us. I was so worried that I would be causing BB1's world to collapse...I mean, he was the center of our universe, the focus of all our love and attention...but as one of my best friends said, "You're not taking anything away from him. In fact, you're giving him the best gift ever; a best friend for life." So true. The two boys are completely aware and in awe of one another. One is always searching for the other, either in sight, or verbally. My hope remains that they are best friends. With BB2's arrival came a huge shift in our family. Just when I was into a secure routine with BB1, it all got shot to shit on August 23, 2009. Anyone out there with 2+ kids knows what I'm talking about. Just as one was falling asleep, the other would wake. I have two kids in diapers, and an endless dirty laundry hamper. Some days I have woken up and literally not known how to get the day started and would just sit with my babies and wonder how to get moving. Apparently my reactions have been quite normal. I can see that now that I'm on the other side of the 3-month hump. I have learned to embrace the chaos, and have learned the most valuable parenting lesson ever: First and foremost, kids need your love...always. Kids don't care if the dishwasher is empty. The fact that your bed is or isn't made every morning won't get them into an Ivy-League school. Their future happiness does not hinge on whether or not their Lego blocks are cleaned up and organized every night after they've gone to sleep.

Our NYE was, again, perfect. Lobster, steak, wine, peanut M&Ms, movies, and most importantly, each other. I thank my lucky stars that I am so blessed to be part of this incredible family unit. I could not have wished myself anything better.

Finally, my resolutions for 2010...pretty simple. I will work on being a better listener.

In closing, I wish you the best year that you've ever had.